Yes, this topic is probably exhausted by now, but I must tell you how Much I love Betty Bayo. Her songs inspire me, they touch me deeply. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I have an uncanny love for Kikuyu gospel music especially the kigoco kind. I discovered her quite by accident a few years back when I was a firm member of sofa baptist. I feel the need to include that the majority of members of this faith are the greatest contributors to the 310 ministries' offering kitty. Now Betty was having a big launch for her album '11th hour' at St Andrews and she was being interviewed on television (details of the channel fail me). Her story was quite moving, a practical example of 'from grass to grace'. from a house-girl to a millionaire by God's grace.
Her hit song 11th hour has severally pulled me from terrible places and anytime I am in a thanksgiving mood, Siyabonga is the go to song. (I still love hymns best though).There is no doubt in my mind that Betty is a gifted songwriter and crooner.
What is it with women and bleaching their skin?
Maybe Mrs. Ncube should have tried harder, I would be rich. It is unbelievable that those substance x and y's that almost scarred me for life had so much potential. It is incredible I didn't even know any of those details about potassium permanganate until Sunday, that my friends is how people become victims of panda mbegu, I kid you not. Encourage your babies to love chemistry, they could be the next Dencias's complete with their own variations of whitenicious.

Betty has continued making good music over the years, very admirable and commendable because many musicians are one hit wonders. There is some real anointing in there.
I however feel so sad, having listened to her initial testimony of how far the Lord had brought her that she will let a man drag her back down. I am no authority on matters marriage but I can say a word or two on love especially the misguided kind. When they say that love is blind, believe them because it is true. I am convinced beyond doubt that everyone around Betty could see that the good Prophet Doctor (how does a form 2 drop out become a Doctor? could I be wasting my time with these adult studies?) was a shady character, but no one was able to convince her. The first time I lay my eyes on him in one of his TV sessions (Sofa Baptist again) I knew without a doubt that there was a crooked fellow. His family background too pointed towards rot.
Listening to my dear Betty defend herself in almost all the media station this week I knew without a doubt that all this MOG (man of God) needed to do is tell his wife, the lovely Betty that Mohammed Ali is lying and using him to advance the Alshaabab agenda, then he will quote a few words from scripture most probably those touching on wives and subordination, heads and necks and she will be back lock and square. That my friends is the power of love.
She will forget that he had become a breast physician overnight and that he had a magical radio station. If she never left after it was alleged her husband's love child had died in a mysterious fire, if she stayed put when David Okari from NTV did a similar exposee to the jicho pevu one or even with the constant rumours of her husband's indiscretions I doubt she will leave now. When time for her to leave comes, no one will need to tell her, she will simply walk. I pray that the career she built single handedly will stand the test of time.
Did she know about her husband's crooked ways? I don't know, she could have genuinely been blind, as I told you, love blinds.
I just hope she gets over this and comes back to writing music that blesses my soul.
Hahaha now you want Betty to be an accessory after the fact!!! I wouldnt stand by him! Never! Serial commentor..Amanda